Sunday, 18 February 2007

Day 0 - Starting LL tomorrow

Hey hey, this is my first EVER blog post related to Lighter Life. First I feel that I must introduce myself for those of you who want to know who I am! Here goes:

I am a 21 year old student from Dorset who has battled with her weight since her early teens. I think I have a somewhat unhealthy approach to food- I see it as a reward, a treat, something to look forward to, and I believe this is largely to blame for my slowly but surely increasing weight. When I was little I always thought I was fat but I actually was normal- and I think in some way this led me to have a weird eating disorder where instead of going the sad (but often common) way of becoming anorexic I actually started to overeat! Not bingeing or anything but I thought "Well, if I'm fat when I'm normal, I may as well eat whatever I want as it won't make any difference!"

How wrong I was! I look back at photos of me when I was 15 and I looked amazing then, I don't know what was going on in my head. So now I need to undo the damage, and fast! I want to be a healthy and normal weight before I go travelling in July, and according to the LLC it should be fine!

So, off to the meeting tomorrow (providing I can see my doctor in the morning!) Will let you know how I get on!

Off for my last Sunday roast now! And I intend to savour every taste!


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