Saturday, 21 April 2007

Day 62- SS-induced headaches suck!

Hey all,

Well once again, full of good intentions I managed thursday SSing all day, then succumbed in the evening.... oops. And started again on friday and once again succumbed in the evening... im seeing a trend here!! Anyway, me and Stace made a pact to start this morning, but we ended up starting last night by drinking 2 pints before bed! We called it the 2 pint challenge LMAO...

So today, my first FULL day of 100% SSing no cheating for a fair while! And I intend for things to stay this way. I am back on the wagon now and it feels good, im not even tempted by food as I am so determined not to say "well I succumbed" one more time! So, another day at home under the watchful eye of mum and dad tomorrow, that should see me into ketosis and then its onwards and upwards!! Lol, only thing is these blinkin' headaches I always get at the end of a day SSing... never mind, it will hopefully clear by end of tomorrow and then i shall be fine.

So, my restart (which this is really when we consider how naughty I have been recently) stats are as follows:
Weight: 13 stone 1 lb
Height: 5'6'' (never changes)
BMI: 29.5 (thankfully hasnt changed despite all my naughtiness.. altho i havent consumed enough cals to put on so i wouldnt have expected a gain, altho havent consumed too few to lose)

So wish me luck everyone. Feel like its my first time all over again and I actually quite like it! I'm so glad I have Stacey- if ur reading this hun, i want u to know your support is more valuable than u could ever imagine!


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