Monday, 26 February 2007

Day 8- WI and vitals

Hey all,

Sorry for not posting yesterday, I had a busy morning and went for a walk with the wrinklies in the afternoon. All was going well.... until the moment I walked through the front door after the walk and felt really very sick. I had a glass of water and that didnt help so took myself off to bed for a few hours. Woke up at 6.30pm still feeling vile so I watched Bridget Jones on tv and went back to sleep again about midnight. I can only blame the grim combo of vanilla and choc shakes with coffee I had just before the walk for my predicament as I can't think what else it could have been!

Anyway, feeling mostly better this morning, and I have quit LL which I started last Mon I thought I should do my own WI and measurements to make sure I keep the chart going of my progress. Measured in the same places as my LLC to make sure they are consistent. Here goes:

Lbs lost in a week: 10
Cms lost from bust: 5
Cms lost from waist: 3
Cms lost from hips: 7

I knew I wasnt imagining that my hipster jeans kept falling down. Am now wearing my belt super tight to hold them up but the material bags and looks silly. Prob is I do have a few smaller pairs but they arent hipsters and my belly is too big to wear them still. Lol! Never mind hopefully it won't be long :-)

Got a busy few days ahead and staying at a friends to get an assignment done so may not get the opportunity to post. Speak soon


1 comment:

The Dieter said...

Well done on your loss to date, it will be good to keep up with your diary.
I will add a link to yours from my blog
Best wishes