Friday 9 March 2007

Day 19- I'm a naughty girl


I ate two mouthfuls of chicken, a small roast potato and some peas today- I know I shouldn't have but it was put in front of me at work and I couldn't say no- so I just had a little bit. I know its prob knocked me outta ketosis but I know I can get back in and have no intention of falling off the wagon- I don't see today as falling off the wagon as I did think about it but not in the emotional sense. I thought 'what are the pros and cons of eating this..? why am I doing it..? is it right that I should eat this?' I came to the conclusion that it would be ok as long as I didn't use it as an excuse to continue to cheat. Some people may disagree and this may be controversial but I know in myself that I am strong enough to handle that- it wasn't much different to an AAM except i had a potato.

Am planning to eat dinner on Wed night, have an egg for breakfast on Wed and a salad type thing for lunch, then back onto SS in the evening. Then I do not intend to cheat again until I complete this diet. I think the important thing is not to have a break from SSing as I don't think I could re-start after a significant break, and also not to make a habit of this planned-eating. I'm only eating as my boss basically told me I had to eat as the meals are all about networking and he doesn't want me to "tarnish the company image". Thats fair enough but I can still choose what it is that I do eat!

Anyway, no weight off today since Monday- but I am noticing that the weight tends to drop off over the weekend and I am noticing the inches off this week so I'm not too worried. Maybe by Monday I will have lost some more- hopefully 3lbs! So looking forward to this weekend, as this week has been crazy- I really need a rest!!

Keep you posted

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