Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Day 24- Back from Business Trip

Hey all,

As some of you may recall, I went off to Worcester yesterday with work and was worried about eating food whilst away. I eventually decided to eat but to listen to my body and stop when I thought I was full...

Well, heres the update! We ended up in pizza hut but I thought I should have a small one and just leave it at that... one slice in and I was full to bursting! I felt so full I couldn't believe it. So I put the rest in a box to take home... and then threw it away on the way out as realised I didn't need it and I wanted to get straight back on the diet so more pizza wasn't the best idea!

Anyhow, this morning we met at 06.30am in the little chef for breakfast, and i still felt bloated from last night so i just had an orange juice, and then apart from water didn't have anything til lunch when I opted for a tuna and sweetcorn sarnie on brown bread. I also treated myself to a packet of crisps but I don't regret it at all and really made sure I savoured every moment.

I have had a cup of coffee tonight with sugar in before fully going back to SSing tomorrow (cant do coffee without sugar and had rly missed it) and am now MORE than ready to re-start. I honestly, hand on heart, can say I would now rather SS than eat. It doesnt make me feel good, and I really believe that this diet has changed my relationship with food forever.

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