Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Day 37- AAM :-D

Morning everyone!

First of all the vital info: how much loss the scales showed on Monday.... drum roll please.... SIX LBS!!!! Can't believe it, I am now in the 12's, wearing my size 14 clothes, and it feels amazing. I honestly can't believe it was only 5 and a bit weeks ago that I was reading other people's blogs in my size 16-18 clothes and longing for the day when I could be like the other people who had done a VLCD and found happiness by slimming down and toning up. But now that feeling is a thing of the past- I am here now, mid-week 6, and knowing that before mid-June I will be at target (as long as I lose my average 3.5lbs a week, so no cheating for me!).

I SHALL be wearing my size 10 summer wardrobe in June and definitely July, and that makes me so happy.. still can't imagine me being size 10 (have not been there since I was about 10 years old I don't think- was always at least a 12 as a teenager)!

So I am thinking positive now. I also can't believe that I have lost something like 3lbs since starting AAM! I am loving AAM- have so far enjoyed: chicken and broccoli with garlic mushrooms, fresh cod and brocolli, chicken and cabbage, and cottage cheese with fresh chives mixed in, inside iceberg lettuce parcels! Yum, never thought I could be so satisfied by suc tiny portions of purely healthy food!! To be honest I will be sad to have to go completely without food again for 3 weeks, but time flies and I know it will be OK- I can do it! I will do it! ROFL!

Anyway, its Easter hols now and need to get on with the old dissertation, so will speak to you all soon.


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