Sunday 8 April 2007

Day 49- its been really hard

Hi all,

Well after an absence of 11 days I feel I should explain myself. After my last loss things went a bit wrong and I started picking at things, slowly the picking turned into eating meals and for the last week and a half I have been SSing in a way in which I would describe as 'less than half-hearted'!! But today I decided that tomorrow would be a fresh start. I then came online and went on minimins forum and after chatting on msn with a girl off there who's about to start this amazing journey, I realised how good losing weight makes me feel and that I should get back on track today- not tomorrow, after all how many times I have said that over the past week I have lost count!! So, I made the decision to start afresh today- Easter Sunday of all days! And I have stuck to it, resisting the roast dinner at our big family easter meal, saying no to the chocolate, the lemon meringue dessert, and all I have had today apart from my tetras and LOTS of water, was 2 tbsps of cabbage and leeks on my plate, as I didn't want to miss out on the family meal. But I don't think thats a problem, do you?

So, on to tomorrow, day two of my restart, and here's to a new me, with no cheating, and all being well I should still be at goal by end of June!! Whoop whoop- I'm just glad I have managed to get back on track today and didnt waste any more time making excuses!

I promise that now I am back on track I shall resume the blog-keeping, as I think it helps keep me focussed. So look forward to hearing more about my journey from now on!


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